Electronic enterprises is supplying 3-d laser-based in-line aoi systems from gsi group - usa, for both solder paste inspection after screen-printing and component placement inspection after component placement. These are also designed for high throughput in-line inspection. These systems ensure 100% inspection of the surface and offer appropriate data and thus upgrade the process. Conventional camera based on 2d aoi cannot give proper result in a high volume-manufacturing environment. But the solder paste inspection system of svs 8000 series generates synthetic images by 3d scanning laser. It also lessens the number of false power failures. Precise height and volumetric measurements are possible by 3-d technology. The 3-d measurement process is not affected normal variations in board and component appearance and provides lowest false accept/reject rates. The svs 8000 series automatically inspects each board immediately after solder paste screen-printing for correct solder paste volume, area, height, x/y position, and bridging.